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How AI will change the face of business

May 14, 2023

AI is coming... ready or not...

Yesterday I dipped my real, non-robotic, toe into the world of AI (Artificial Intelligence for the uniniatiated) - and I loved it!

And I'm not talking about using ChatGPT to write blog posts (or witty songs and poems for my wife either) - AI is so much more than that.

I have always believed that an investment in your own knowledge and learning pays the best interest so following the 'AI Uncovered' business event I attended in Birmingham on Sunday, I started my own, personal journey to embrace this brave new world.

Now, I am of an age and generation that marvelled in disbelief at John Noakes and Peter Purvis on Blue Peter demonstating a futuristic 'mobile phone thingy' that didn't need wires (it'll never catch on!), so my sense is that AI will take my brain to a whole new level of disbelief at what the future holds.

One thing is for sure... whether you are excited or terrified at the thought of AI and robotics running your business (or your life!), be prepared because it's coming... ready or not!

Of course, it's still early, early doors with the adoption of this (apparently less than 0.03% of the population even know what ChatGPT is) so I am excited about being an 'early adopter' and seeing where it all goes.

But, trust me, it's moving at the pace of a jet plane on steroids and nothing will get in its way! In 3-6 months time alot of the content spoken about at the weekend will be in the history books so it makes sense to be curious about these fascinating developments!

Today I share with you a few thoughts on my first dive into one of the many AI tools that is already out there to help drive efficiency in our businesses - I hope you find it useful...

So what is

Well, those people who know me know that I love a bit of magic. And is pretty close to that! It's like having a trusty sidekick with you in a meeting who takes notes and magically transcribes them.

With, you can bid farewell to scribbling furiously and hello to productivity! It captures important moments, highlights action items, and even organises it all for you too - genius!

Today I jumped on a call with one of our Wildgoose Licensing Partners to walk through their renewal. It was a 20 minute Zoom call and within 10 minutes of the meeting finishing I was emailed a full written transcript of the meeting, audio recording, a summary and notes of the meeting, bullet points of the key outcomes and, the best bit, a to do list of things I needed to follow up on including a prompt for me to put a follow up call into my diary for the 1st June.

It was pretty awesome.

Some bits weren't perfect but it was a massive improvement on me trying to decipher my spidery hand written notes that I often scrawl down when on calls.

For me, it opened my mind to a whole new world of productivity and efficiency and I am sure this is just the start of an exciting journey.

One thing is for sure, I am an AI convert and will be growing my knowledge and understanding of this brave new world over the coming months and will happily share my thoughts and findings with anyone (robot or human) who might be interested in listening!

And if the Blue Peter legends I admired in my youth (get down Shep!) were still running the show, I'm sure that they too would be embracing this and inspiring us all about what the future holds.

PS... No robots were used in the creation of this article - it's 100% human!! :-)

#learning #future #artificialintelligence #ai #business #businessevents #smallbusinessowner

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